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In August 2017, a spambot by the name of Onliner Spambot was identified by security researcher Benkow moʞuƎq. The malicious software contained a server-based component located on an IP address in the Netherlands which exposed a large number of files containing personal information. In total, there were 711 million unique email addresses, many of which were also accompanied by corresponding passwords. A full write-up on what data was found is in the blog post titled Inside the Massive 711 Million Record Onliner Spambot Dump.

  • Domain: Unknown
  • Breach Count: 711,477,622
  • Breach Date: Aug. 28, 2017
  • Added: Aug. 29, 2017
  • Verified: True
  • Fabricated: False
  • Events: 0
  • Source: HaveIBeenPwned
